I have no idea what I am up to. Somehow or rather, I felt that I am really in a big mess which I dun understand why I am in. All I asked for in life was simplicity and peace. All of a sudden, it became so crazy. Continuous late nights, continuous drinking with my frens, just seemed to be something in which I had never been doing before.
Well, being open minded is the key but somehow or rather, it looked like I am pushing myself from one extreme end to the other. All of a sudden, it just seemed like I had lost my focus all over again. All of a sudden, I just felt that everything is going to be going really crazy again. What do I want in life? I seriously wondered...
My bio-clock is in a mess; physical condition is all screwed; even my thinking of life is getting confused. I guess this is all so common especially when you had lost some things in your life which meant so important to you. When something which you thought was right for years turned out to be the greatest wrong, there is no way you can differentiate what is going to be right or wrong...
A confusius State of Mind...
Monday, December 17, 2007
Simply Me... Or Am I Me?
Well, everything ain't as constructive as it should be for the past 2 weeks. I mean, I am suppose to work hard on my project and work hard at job. However, I had not been doing what I am supposed to do and there is to be a project meeting with Maggie Coope this coming Saturday and I am not actually fully ready for it!
Sigh, yesterday was a really long night. It's been quite some time where I had stayed up through the night talking with someone for so long. To be frank, I enjoyed talking with her since there is so much laughter and smiling through the whole night. However, I do feel that I am really too boring a person in which anyone would actually be interested to talk in the first place.
I mean, how interesting can the live of a Software Engineer be? How fun can it be to know what a Software Engineer would do? I guess, I am sure that other jobs like being a Banker, Pilot, etc. sounds alot more fun and intriguing to begin with. I do believe in one thing though, being yourself. At least, when you are yourself, there is nothing to hide and there would not be so much pressure on myself.
Even though those thoughts did come into my mind, I have to say that the meal at Sakae, movies at PS and the walk and chatting around town does feel pretty comfortable for me... Now, as usual, I promise myself to gym doubly hard tomorrow or else, I am sure the training I had put through all the while would all go to waste. The first step, start training hard again... =)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Relaxation Mood in a Hectic Schedule
There is only one word which can sum up this week: FOOD! Well, it is really scary, looking at the number of Buffets I had been downing for the week. Now, the guilt set in and I'd really feel like going to fast for the whole month from now! Sigh, to make the matter worse, no dragon boat training this week due to the daunting weather.
Yesterday was quite a cool day. Hit the gym early in the morning before meeting my Grandmother and Family for lunch at Tong Lok. It was my Grandmother's birthday! Once again, it was one of those sinful buffet sessions and I literally ate till there is no place left in my stomach. In the end, I even vomitted when I reach home due to the great discomfort.
After that, meet up with Mike and Janice in town, doing some shopping. Well, I really feel like an OSRAM Lightbulb, tagging with the two lovey doveys around the places. After a simple and light dinner at Food Republic, Janice bought us to this nice pub owned by her friend to chill out. I really like the ambience and nothing beats a cold beer and seeing Arsenal lose to Middlesbrough 2=0!
The weekend summed up fruitful and it's been sometime since I last find time to relax a bit due to the work and studies which is piling up like mad. Well, life goes on and work will not wait for me. Now, let's charge!
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Pain in the A**- CIS 320
After a long long time, I finally got a minute of my time to write an entry in this blog. I mean, there was one long period in which I had nothing to talk about since my life is only about work, studies and more work and studies.
This week is generally a fun one, especially during the past two days. Finally, after such a long time, we finally get to meet up together! Well, Janice and co are basically busy with their school work and I suppose who aint? Finally, we got together at Orchard, had fun eating Sakae Buffet and KBoxing all the way till midnight. It's been a really long time since I last saw Zu Liang and Xian Hui! Thanks giam for lending me the piano book manz. I guess it would take me quite sometime to understand them and practise it.
The only sad thing about the day would be the Durian "Chee Cheong Fun" in Kilinney Road. All I can say is that things rot as time goes by even though they taste wonderful at the beggining. I guess when fame is built up along the process, the Quality control of the food goes the opposite direction. How ironic! I actually went to tell them how nice it is and it turned out to taste really bad.
After some long fun happening these days, all my focus is now on my project work. Intending to give myself an hour nap before this long battle with my coursework would commence again.
I am very behind schedule. Well, I guess I had only myself to blame for taking so long to forget about all those stupid things and writing this entry makes me think about them again. =). All these memories are just like smoking. When you are a heavy smoker and decided on quitting smoking, it usually takes alot of determination. During the course of doing so, there would always be withdrawals and such. The withdrawal will get less frequent and soon it would be over.
The same applies to relationships I guess. At the beggining, the problem would just always be in your mind and when you decide to forget about it, it just frequents your brain like a kid visiting a candy shop. As time goes, these memory visits would become lesser and lesser. Soon, they would be over. It is better these days and I guess this mess can only get better... =)
No time to think now... Sleep, Wake Up, Charge!
Moving on to a new World ahead...
As usual, everything went into one big poiece of mess. We agreed not to contact and she accepted without a hint of unwillingness and despair. Well, deep inside me, I know she is as unwilling as I am but I know that if I continue to stay her and keep in contact, I would only continue to like her and want to protect her all the while. No doubt, she is really the girl which I really, really want to spend my life with but then things do not always turn out the way you want it to be.
Everytime, I had to say such nasty things to her because I know that if I speak out the truth, we would not be able to move on with life. She is not that selfish as many thought that she is. It's just that I am not the man she would choose to be with the rest of her life. I just have to accept it. This triangular love is too complicated for me and I decided to step out of it. Hopefully, one day, I can truly wish her the best between the two of them.
For now, I would just continue to try and push myself forward. Not contacting her is hard. I mean the first night from this decision was once again a sleepless night but then, I guess it is better for me to be here hurting alone rather than everyone get upset. I will move on... A promise I made to myself and her...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
作詞:曉華 作曲:信樂團
Monday, November 26, 2007
Perfromance Song 3- 那首歌
This is a song sang by a Singer by the name of 林宥嘉. Well, this is a really sad song and somehow, singing it gave me a lot of feeling and a lot of memories.
Click here to download...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Quiet Week Throughout...
Well, this week is kind of quiet where nothing seemed extra exciting nor special. I guess thats why people feel tired about things after sometime as there is simply nothing exciting about. When that point comes, people move on with their live and look for new excitement. Somehow, I can feel this mononity coming in and in a way or another, I would need to move on to the next excitement. Fortunately, Dragon Boat still can give me that kind of Adreline Pump which I am sorting for these days.
Preparing to push my project forward again.... Pondering, Pondering, Pondering...
Well, this is not new. This kind of pain which I am feeling inside is not new. Had tried my best to push it away and I suppose things would not say walk away just by sitting there and not thinking about it. I thought I did a good job but all of a sudden, a slice of Wife Biscuit got it all back and me thinking about things again. Sigh... I know it will go off... It will...
Things hurt for a reason. Even though it hurts till now and it would for a long time, things would never be the same. I will never be....
Structured Workout Reaping Rewards
Well, I am so happy that the workout we are having is seemingly working for my body! Ha, well, now I am able to do more pull ups than before and my running pace had improved significantly. However, one sad thing is that my face still look as round and my poor tummy does not seemed to be able to be flattened despite the pains I had been through.
Going to the Gym today with Wee Kiat. As usual, with him around, the Chest Routine is always the main thing in which we would whacked everytime we meet. Had been training my back the day before and my shoulders yesterday. Although my body felt tired, my chest is generally intact for this coming workout.
Looking forward to the Gathering this coming Evening. Althugh ECP is nowhere near the term close to my house, I am actually pretty excited to see some of my relatives whom I had not seen for like years... =)
Sunday under the Sun = Ouch!
Well, as usual, my Sunday was reserved for a serious dragon boat session but the only difference today is that I am more motivated to do well and train hard. The experience in Regatta is overwhelming and really made me realize the fun in racing and training hard for the events. Regatta was history and now they are looking forward to training for other events which are coming up. Together with a new friend brought in by Samuel, the tough training began.
Today, as usual, the fast run down the stretch began the entire training and a full feldged pull-up session is enough to drain my hands and body thoroughly. Everything was kept simple and rowing began with a warm-up row of 3km. What distinctively changed the day from the others is that the training was in a small corner of Kallang River where I experienced my first 5oom row.
The water is alot heavier than the open areas which we usually row. In addition to that, the High Tide today resulted in a tougher rowing condition as compared to other places. Although the water is calm, it is too heavy for the boat to have any significant pick-up. The difference between a 500m row and a 300m row is mainly the difference in pace. A 300m race has no room for error and every single pull is hard and fierce.
To last that kind of intensity for a 500m race is pretty difficult. Well, an increase in workload by almost twice the time, the strategy here is mainly to maintain coordination and longer pulls. Occasional hard pulls will be required for the boat to pick up and it requires a hell lot of coordination to maintain the penetration.
One commendable thing today is that Samuel and I did not pull out our pedal from the water even once. We endured the painful session and made sure every pull counts. Like what the trainer always say, "Pull Your Weight and not let others pull yours." It is important that we train harder so as to contribute more to the team rather than be a liability. I guess the famous statement of, "Do not ask what the team can do for you. Ask what you can do for the team." is essentially displayed in a Dragonboat team...
After this hardworked session, the result is an abrased adominem, blistered hands and a sunburnt body. I am loving it.... =)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Cool Deepavali Celebration in the Gym...
Life was simple this Deepavali and the Celebrations had only one objective- "Whack as hard as possible!". All day long we did nothing but Gym but this time round, it is such a huge event in Clementi Sports Hall. Well, the Gym Session consisted of almost everyone we used to go gym with. There is the WGC Gang (Me, Jian Hong, Steve and Tuan Wee), there is the SIM Gang (Me, Wee Kiat), Bukit Batok 288B cum Dragonboat Gang (Me, Samuel and Benjamin). Well, the gang is still within the legal context since the maximum for a gathering was five people.
A Simple but Exciting Friday

The final adventure came as we went to Bukit Merah for a simple meal at Brinda. Well, many of you might not had heard of it but it is an Indian Resturant which basically serves Indian Food. For the first time in my life, I entered an Indian Resturant! Well, we ordered a Chapati set which comes with some potato and vegetables curry. In addition to that, there is this "Indian Doughnut" which is basically dough and onion. All I can say is that the food is very different from what we usually can take... =)
River Regatta 2007
A Sense of Guilt...
A sudden sense of guilt climbed into me. Well, I spent a hell lot of money this month on secondary items and although I must say that I did well to buy such things at a bargain. Here, I shall make a confession(Praying Style...) of the sins I had made the past few days:
Dear God,
I felt bad knowing that I had spent alot of money on many items in which in many people's eyes are secondary but then I really cannot help it! Either the items are too good to resist, or they are something in which I wanted to get for a really long time.
First of all, the Oakley Radar Sunglasses. I know spending such amount money on a raining season does not sound right but it is a real beauty. Moreover, it took us almost 2 years for us (Me and my Glasses) to be united together! Well, I planned to get it for so long but then everytime I wants to get it, the need to save money just pulled me away. I am glad that we are finally together after such a long time. I promise I would love it as much and that does not mean I will neglect my Oil Drum as well. She meant as much to me... =)
Secondly, the purchases at Armani Exchange is an Accident. Well, it would not had happened if I did not enter Iseatan; it would not happen if there is no Sales happening there; it would happen if I did not find anything that fits me; it would not happen if you did not create such a huge Sale! Manz, 80% off for a pair of jeans (Selling at 50 bucks), how to resist!? Moreover, buying 2 pairs for someone who seldom buy much clothes is not that bad rite?
PS: Well, I promise that I would stop my indulgence for the month but then, please... Do not create anymore such temptations. I may not be able to take it!
Feel a little better after writing this out. Ha! Well, at least I finally got some things in which I wanted to get for such a long time makes me feel better. Maybe I should just take it as a reward for myself for passing my driving test and completing such a major project at work. For now, things goes back to normal...
Hair Product Review:- Loreal DirtyClean Texturizing Clay
Been putting my hair on a test using the recently launched Loreal DirtyClean Texturing clay. Well, the main reason for me to look for a new Hair Styling material is mainly due to the size of the bottle. I am looking for something compact which I can slot in nicely into my grooming bag easily. This bottle is small enough and definitely packs the styling power I would need after gym or dragon boat training.

My hair is somewhere at medium length. The clay feels very dry when applied on the hands but what surprised me is that it does not leave my hair too dry like the Gatsby one. This product makes the hair easy to style and it does smell pretty nice taking into account that they did put in some citric flavour in the product. After applying it, it leaves some shine on the hair, making it look neater but not restrictive.
I had always had problems with my hair due to the fact that they are dry and thick. one thing commendable about this product is that the added moisture makes it easier to style. However, one problem with it is that the holding power seemed to fade during the evening and some touching up would be required. Restyling was simple as adding a bit more clay would do the trick.
In general, it is a nice product if you have dry hair like mine. Thumbs up for this wonderful product by Loreal...
Note: Wondering if the dirty look applies on me? =)
A cool place by the name of MMMM!
Pork (Garlic and Butter)
Well, the meat is tender and soft and the seasoning blends well with the meat. However, the problem here is that the meat is pretty dry after cooking it. I guess the main reason for it is mainly because the meat is too lean. However, I do like it lean due to my diet!
Beef Steak (French Marinate)
The beef is definitely one of my favourite. The taste is very much heavenly and the chef did a great job in making the steak thin. I really loved as the meat taste vary tender and nice. A really good option for BBQ but do be very careful as the steak do not taste as good when it is overcooked!
Scallops (Garlic and Pepper)
Dori Fish (Garlic and Butter)
We bought this mainly because its my mom's favourite. In the end, it turned out to be everyone's favourite! Well, the fish is nicely marinated and packed in Aluminium Foil nicely by the Chef. My Mom fell in love with it and so did my Aunt. We could not help it but tried it ourselves. In the end, there was no turning back. It is addictive!Cocktail Susage with Cheese
This is a Kid's favourite. My two little cousins loved it so much that Taiwan Sausage nearly lost its footing as the favourite food for kids. Well, the sausage is rich in cheese and they are extremely tasteful. The chicken is fresh and not as salty as those you would find outside. However, do beware of the hot cheese...Quan's favourite mixed with his greatest hate- Vegetables. MMMM! is kind enough to help us wrap the bacon nicely with carrot and asparagus which we bought from NTUC nearby. Well, all I can say is that the bacon is not salty at all and somehow or rather, it is not as oily as many think it would be. It is generally crispy and the combination with the vegetables are a master stroke!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Pulsating Week for the Weak Hearted Me...
What a painful week! All I can say is that the whole week was an exciting one; perhaps, it was one of the most exciting week of my life. Well, the story goes from here:-
Well, as usual, Monday is a boring day but then it was kind of a depressing day. Was down with a small flu and everything just seemed to be in a mess. This time, I gave myself one day to slowly think things through and finally got an answer and a decision to all the bugging problems surrounding me through the week.
Got back at work with all the things intact. From that day onwards, I told myself that I am down long enough to give everyone in the company enough trouble. Life is simple. I am glad that my moodiness did not affect my relationships with my colleagues seriously. At least, they do not hate me for that. However, it was a pretty quiet and tiring day where everything seemed to be in a slow state.
The day where everything is going to an end. Well, I knew that this day would come and everything is supposed to be back to normal after this day. Well, I had worked hard enough and long enough for everything and ensuring that she is off safely. Although I am hurt again in the process, I guess it is not that painful after all since I had already expected all this happening. A simple KTV Session with Jun Yao and a good scolding session from him had simply woken me up and further made sure that my decision made is definitely a good one.
Well, everything is more and more clearer. Spent some time on my project and I guess there was a lot of catching up to do. It is generally a happy day mainly because I had decided to leave that big heavy rock in my life alone and not going to touch it. I tried to push it away as hard as possible and in the end, got my hands cut again. Well, I decided to leave it there alone and not touch it again. Although it will always be blocking the way but at least, I would not get hurt again by touching it.
Went off to the Gym after a long period of non-workout weeks and I really have to say that the standard had dipped tremendously. Well, the busy work schedule and tough nights did not help in anyway but I am sure I am going to rebuild where I had left off and go for the better. After all, Regatta is just round the corner and I should do my best to work even harder for it! After the gym, had a hearty meal with a really nice sweey girl.
Well, we knew each other for sometime and yeahz, she is really nice. Sad to say, in just one day, she got to know so many of my deep hidden secrets which no one else in the world knows but this is life. After the meal, we went off walking around the mall, looking for things here and there before going off seperately. Thanks! For the nice company...
It is a focus day. Today, there is nothing but workout, workout and more workout. It is been a long time since I last worked out in the gym with Wee Kiat and as usual, we whacked our usual regime with more load. It is a real solid 2 hour gyming session and I have to say that with him around, there is no such thing as lazing and relaxing. It is a tough session which ended off with a cool 3km run on the threadmill. Pushed myself a bit more and decided to work myself through and ready for the race coming up on saturday.
After that, went on to Novena Square with Sumian to look for BBQ Food for Saturday Evening. Came across a cool place called MMMMMM... which basically sells Meat at an affordable price and definitely, a cool place to visit if you wish to know more about Meat and marinating them. Nice place to go to though. I would be writing an article on it soon and yeah, with some reviews on the food we had the other time.
One thing to mention, we drove there and once again, the second time I drove, I moved around like mad. From Ang Mo Kio to Novena; Novena to Holland Village, Holland Village to Ang Mo Kio, Ang Mo Kio to Toh Tuck. What a drive man! Well, it does boost my confidence a little but it also act as a warning to myself: Driving can be quite dangerous and the responsibility is large. Being a passenger and driver is really different. A lot of things to check and alot of things to look after. Sigh, I even forgot to lock the door when I left the car!
Saturday and Sunday
This article is long enough. I shall stop here and place a full story soon regarding Regatta and My Mom/Brother birthday celebration.... The main things which makes my week so pulsating and exciting!
Monday, November 05, 2007
A Selfish Thought
Finally, she is back on her feet standing. I am supposed to be happy but somehow or rather there is still some despair inside because I know that after this, she would be out to venture on her own again. This time round, I do not know what would be the outcome from her and I am too tired to know.
As mentioned, I said that I just wanna let her stand up and move on in life. Somehow or rather, I could not bear to move on or let her go. Is this a selfish act? I think it is... I cannot be so selfish to want her here. This is a problem between them not me. I feel that my intervention had complicated the whole issue today. Now, I should let her fly away as she wanted to....
Working Overtime... and Loving it...
The heat is on. The week ahead is hectic due to the gruelling work commitments in which I am going to face. For the past whole week, I had been working more than 12 hours every day and somehow or rather, I am relishing it. Well, not as if the work I am doing is very fun or challenging but soaking myself in that kind of stress level seems very comfortable as it stops my mind from wandering anywhere else and venture into places which I should not be visiting...
Work and Work and Work. This is going to be my aim for the next whole year and I am going to focus on nothing but earning money and more money. I am not going to care about anything else. Relationships, life, houses, etc just have to wait. I am going to soak myself in the process of earning money and only money. Sounds materialistic eh? Well, it's not about satisfying myself through such materialistic means but simply, that is the only way I can think of which I would be able to release myself. Of course, dragon boat, guitar and sports are something which will not be forsaken in the process...
Preparing for the Gym now since I had not been working out enough for the last whole week. Push ups and Crunches doesn't seemed enough for me to release my stress. I guess, some iron and running in the gym should help...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Limit has no Bounds...
A tough dragon boating session yesterday, not because the load had increased but simply because I had pushed myself to the limit. Well, proud to say that for a solid whole week, I had trained at a high intensity for the whole week and when I reached the dragon boating session, I basically had nothing left in me. After the whole session, I am really at my limit and I could feel myself reaching it.
My heart bit never stopped, my head never stop spinning and my muscles simly ache all over. Finally, I had realized where I am. The point of reaching the ceiling is simply satisfying. Well, there is other aims in life and I really want to push myself even further, until I had reached a special level. A level which breaks more than my current level. Well, some would say that when u exceed this limit, your body would not take it. I do not know if my body can make it but pushing is something I really want to see...
Everything else is the same. Still go to work, still work hard in school. but then one thing for sure, finding that limit in life and a place where I belong...
Monday, October 15, 2007
A Gruel Pain and Loving It...
The pain is coming through. I felt the pain on my shoulders. My arms literally has no strength anymore, so much so that every typing on my keyboard is a pain. My back is feeling the pain and soreness. My legs are dragging like a prisoner tied down with a huge weight ball. Well, my whole body is feeling the ache but I am enjoying every moment of it. Well, at least it shows that I am alive...
It feels good to see my fitness go up day after day. It feels refreshing knowing that I had released every ounce of my energy out in a way or another. It feels rewarding to know that all this training will only make me stronger and stronger day after day. Now, I am preparing to go to Gym. I know it may sound sick after having a gruelling work out since tuesday continuously till today and worse of all, there would be dragon boat training tomorrow.
I have to do it this way. I have to release everything in me and release every pain in me. Off I go, to the Gym... This time, there is no stopping...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A Simple Week for Me...
A week has gone by and yes, everything remained simple. Simple tasks at work, simple activities happening, simple lessons and simple daily activities. As usual, I filled myself with enough things to make sure that I would not have any room for me to think about the past and should look forward. Somehow or rather, it is working.
Yesterday, Vincent called me and told me that I would be in the Dragon Boat team. In other words, I would be racing with them in Regatta and would be required to come for training regularly. The news came at the right time though. Dragon Boating to me now is one activity which drains me dry and I really like the feeling of training hard till no energy is left. It makes me feel that I am alived.
Trying to do some recording for the week. After what had happened, my life is simply in a mess and my productions are delayed again and again. Well, enough distortion. Now, it's all about making it right and back to basics is always the key- Keeping everything Simple...
Friday, October 12, 2007
A Cool Day with a hint of Despair
A very simple day. Jaylen's first month celebration was held at Chevron where all the people come together and enjoyed a good meal. All of us are so excited about him and he looked so cute. However, despite the celebrations, I could not bring myself to smile for even a second. Deep inside, I feel like I had totally lost faith in a relationship. That kind of feeling is like,"Nothing will last one. Why bother?"
Well, this whole incident had totally changed me drastically. There is totally no confidence in a relationship and I do not see anyway I can put myself in another relationship since nothing is going to work out anyway. Sigh, to make the matter worse, the main topic revolving around the dinner with Bao Guan is also about Relationships and all that. Suddenly, I feel like I am not anywhere.
Ironically, the same feeling was there last year at the same annual gathering. Well, when Zhu Ren ask me, "Where is Han Nee? Why never ask her out?"
Suddenly, it all seemed so familiar. I felt the same feeling as I felt last year as we also supposed to break contact then. Well, this time round it is very different. There would not be anymore reunion between us. Simply because, I had totally lost faith in a relationship....
However, I am fine. Although I still feel very hurt about this whole event, I am still able to push myself forward day by day. Although things ain't as smooth sailing as it would be, at least I am still inching forward day by day packed with enough activities to drain my energy away from me. I guess I should be fine...
Sunday, October 07, 2007
My Thank You List...
Well, it's been a tough week both mentally and physically. The concept of draining every single ounce of energy in my body through all sorts of gruelling workouts does help me release all the stress in me. I guess such torture on myself is good as it improves my physique and at the same time, allow me to release everything in me in what I should say, a positive manner.
All I have to say is thanks to all the people who had been through this very down time with me. Some of them, I had not really spent much time with all this while due to many reasons. I am really grateful that they stood beside me and helped me through this period of time.
To Zhi Zhuo,
Thanks for showing me the side of life in which I never go about exploring. Well, thanks for telling me and letting me know that there are many things in life which I never tried before and I really have to say, I am really a noob when it comes to such things. In the end, I guess I would need to spend more time learningto appreciate things in which I never had the chance to do so.
To Jun Yao,
Thanks for showing those concerns and telling me how things should be now. Thanks for telling me that after going so far in my work, it would be stupid for me to give up all these just for someone who do not care for you at all. I guess you are right. Sometimes, it is not possible to change from being a Mr Nice Guy who always draw happiness in helping others around into someone who goes about doing things only for my own interest.
To My Family,
Thanks for being there with me all this while being with me through all the pains and heartaches. I know you guys would always be with me. And once again, sorry Mom for showing such a depressing side of me. Getting drunk is not the way to go and I had learnt it the hard way....
Thanks Aunt Jo for accompanying me to go for a jog at ECP and inviting me to her house for a meal. It is simply nice to have a simple meal like that. It does brighten up my day though...
To Samuel, Wee Kiat and Steve,
Thanks for enduring all this workouts with me and going to gym with me. Without you guys, I guess I would have given up long time ago. Well, I know you guys may think I am crazy for always increasing the weight loads, increasing the running pace, forcing more in everything. I am fine. It is just that I want to tire myself off till every single ounce of my energy is used up...
Sometimes, with all these friends, I feel that I am able to take on anything in this world. Sigh, let everything go now. More things are up ahead for me now...
Monday, October 01, 2007
Battered and Hurt...
Well, I guess what everyone said is right. Till this date, I had not done anything at all in life which is worth talking about. I guess putting my heart in one place and working so hard in a relationship is a grave mistake for me. In the end, I am still alone here.
I am trying hard to recover from this pain but perhaps, the thought of realizing that this 5 years of effort had gone down to the drain simply makes me feel very painful. I guess learning the hard truth is never easy. I do not wish to think about how she is going on with her live. Is she leading a better life now? Is she feeling as miserable as me? I do not dare to venture on to find the answer as I know that no matter what the answer is, I would feel miserable when I know it.
Sometimes, I do worry about her well-being, worried if she is coping well and handling all her problems well. Or, perhaps, someone else is capable of doing it better than I used to. No matter how hard I wish to know, I guess I really have to learn how to curb this feeling as it would only make me feel more miserable.
Preparing to go for Dragon Boating now. After so many gruelling workouts this week to tire me out, I finally feel my body giving way. My back is aching and my muscles are sore. However, I am determined not to back down just because of all this. At least, it is a good way for me to release all this unhappiness...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
A Game of Pool...
A game of pool suddenly strucked me. I lost. I lost to a solid friend who always stood by me no matter what happens. The punch simply woke me up from things and soon, I began to realize, after such a long time, at the age of 24, I had nothing. Today, I realized that I was bare with nothing in life which I can boast about. Simply, I had to say, I do not have any achievements in life which I can use to boast about and make the people around me proud.
This realization made me wonder of my thinking, philosophy in life and my attitude towards things in life. Am I wrong? Am I wrong to believe that working hard for things and leading a no-nonsense life is going to lead me anywhere to success? Am I wrong to believe that planning in life is important and showing discipline towards the plan will be the correct way of life.
I had always been a planning person, wary and cautious about very little step that I make. Today, my planning and the discipline to follow it hurt me. Now, I have nothing. After all those careful thoughts and movements, I fell into a big trap which lays just in front of me. I got stuck and forced myself to break free. In the process, I got hurt.
Sharing my life and what I have in life with someone else had always been the greatest happiness I had ever felt. Today, this happiness hurt me real deep. Well, no point looking back at the past. Moving forward is my only option in life and no matter how unwilling I am, I am going to move forward. A positive note though, I did not owe anything to anyone nor have any regrets...
A nice day in general. Slowly, I am used to being life with only myself alone.... Learning...
Friday, September 28, 2007
The Real Test Ahead...
Well, after 3 days of working, today is my Off Day which I usually would use to do my school work and things as such. All I can say is that being busy does help me release my soul from the painful memories although an occasional flashback could not be helped. I survived those minor scares but now, it is the real thing. Today, I am going to have alot more time to think about things; a lot more things to remind me of the past.
Determination is all I would need and I would do all I could to garner enough for me to past through today. Going to keep myself occupied with all sorts of things today. Gym with Samuel, Jamming my Guitar, taking Driving lessons. Hopefully, all this are enough...
Changing my Perspective of Life...
Learning to let go of things and see things from a perspective of life. In life, I guess many of us had seen a lot of wierd things in life and well, I guess I must say that this event has totally changed my perspective of things. Today, all I can say is that I am simply too naive to believe that in this world, as long as you throw in your heart, others will do that too.
Zhi Zhuo, thanks for showing me one side of life in which I had never seen in my life. I guess if I never explore, I would never know what it would be like to see the darker side of things. Sometimes, darker need not mean that life is not brighter. In the past, sharing my life and my everything to a person just do not seemed to let me get back what I expected to get.
However, he is right that everyone has a reason for everything they do. Sometimes, there is no need for us to really know the real reason. If a person is all out to leave you, he or she would give you all sorts of reason which sometimes never make sense. Why go on to find and investigate to know the real reason when the truth will hurt even more? Why go on to pester a person if the person is finding all ways to leave you to look for greener pastures in life?
Well, thanks for telling me that in life, it is always better for people to be selfish. In reality, it sounds only right that you would be able to look after others only when yourself is looked after thoroughly. I guess I was really naive to share every bit of my life and everthing that I have with someone else. I really have to learn to stop giving. I am very much determined to do so.
Whatever lies ahead of my future, no one will ever know. Not me, not him, not her nor anyone else in this world. Only exploring the life ahead would find the real answer ahead of me. Now, I will make sure that my heart will never be bared to a person anymore. It is going to be shut so tight, I am sure I would never be hurt by love anymore.
I guess, this event has really stucked me real hard. Like what many had said, it is impossible to heal this wound and scar in life since it is so deep and painful. The only thing this scar can do now is to remind me that it never pays to treat someone the way I did. The way I love people is wrong. This scar would always remind me that being a good guy never pay in this world.
I would be looking for a way out. From now on, I am going to do what I can to change everything in my life. However, I am not going to say what my plans are for me since I do not even know what lies ahead. However, one thing for sure is, I am going to change totally to a person which is totally different from the me today. I can feel the transformation coming and I would have to in order to bring that painful scar away from my heart.
A broken bond has no Winners...
How could it be ever possible to remove something in your life when you find it in every corner and everything that you do? Everything you can think of, there is a relation or connection with her. My clothes are all bought by her; My table is full of gifts by her; Everywhere I go, there is a memory of her around. Anything I see here, I would always think about her.
Well, the truth is that she is not here anymore, much like losing a kin who has always been there for you for years; a kin who shares every single thing you have in your life. Now, I am all alone here on my own and it is of course upsetting. My life all this years is so strongly connected with her and to break this bond is almost impossible. Sometimes, I really wish I would suffer from Amnesia and forget about all this things.
Life at my side is painful and I know it would never be easy for her. Her life is as strongly connected to mine and we suffer the same fate. Well, at the end of the day, there is no such thing as a winner or a loser in a relationship like this. In this case, we are both losers. We lost someone who meant so much in our lives. I know that this seperation is good for the two of us and I know she knows it too. She is definitely stronger than me and should be able to walk out of this faster than me.
What is she doing? I thought... But I know my care and concern will only makes it difficult for everyone...
First day of Pain
Right now, in my heart, there is this numbness. To be frank, the sorrow simply felt so sour in me that I really do not want to continue thinking about anything; do not want to do anything more in life. Well, how do I continue from here? There is simply no way I can continue to move on. My brain tells me that I should just move forward but my heart simply refuses to step out the first step.
I have this dream of having a beautiful home with the one I love. In this home, there is only beautiful memories and no matter how bad the outside world is, I can always find warmth in it. Stupid right? Well, many people around me find it stupid. At this age, it should be all about fun and enjoyment. Why would anyone want to tie yourself down when you are still so young? I used to ignore them mainly because I believed I had found the one I truly love and strongly believed that she feels the same way too.
Now, all this is shattered. It will never ever be fulfilled in life. The reason for me to work so hard is all gone. Why do I took the path of having to study and work at the same time? Well, because I wish to earn more money and have a head start in my career when I graduate. Why do I studied so hard for? Well, because I seriously want to bridge the gap betwen the two of us. Why do I take every step forward so carefully? Well, because I would want to ensure that we would have a good and nice life ahead.
Sadly, the reason I worked so hard is gone. Of course, there is my mom and my family and all those people around me. I worked hard for them too, wanting to give them a better life. However, what lost now is the greatest reason for me to move forward. I know it is stupid for me to let go and give up everything in life now just for a forsaken love. I know all that. I am rational enough to know that it would be worthless giving up everything now, knowing that no one would symphatise me if I do so. I guess I just lost the courage to move forward again.
Trying hard to switch my direction and life somewhere else. Where can I turn to now since my hope of life is shattered? I tried to put all the hate on her. I tried to make it feel as if I am not in the wrong and it is her fault for everything. Stupid right? I felt the same way too. How can I go about to think of that about her? I cannot bear to. It takes more than just the two of us to do all that. I knew she tried very hard to make this love work. I guess it just turned out that we do not belong together at all.
I think the first step is to promise myself: Never to put my heart into a relationship anymore. Let's stop believing that fairy tale endings do not belong in my life. Hopefully, I would be able to find my new direction soon. I do not know where it would come from but yah, hopefully I would find it soon...
Friday, September 21, 2007
A Really Sad Day...
As mentioned in a famous proverb, "Once bitten twice shy..."
Today, I continued the great saying, "Twice Bitten, Never ever put your hand near it again..."
It took me great courage to stand up again last year. Back then, I have only myself to blame for what had happened. Well, my temper lost everything I owned and I am really determined to change it. I gave it all up. I decided that there is no point in trying so hard as I had lost it totally. Well, sad to say, God gave me another opening. Another time for me to prove that I can still earn everything back to me. All those that once belonged to me. Well, I guess all this is only another joke. A reminder to tell me that I should not step my toes into this anymore.
This time, I did all I could. All I could with all my might. It just did not work out. After throwing everything I had to hold on to that only chance which God gave me, it still slipped away from me just like that. It really hurts. Much more than the other time this happened. I tried everything I could to make her feel secured, fulfilled and complete. Fulfilling everything she wants and everything she needs in life is still not enough.
Today, the truth is out. No matter what I could do, she'd still want an out. I guess no matter how much I'd want to be in her life, there is no way I could let myself stand at her way and stop her from moving on. It would be too selfish of me. From now, it will be on my own, all on my own...
I will continue to work hard but then, who would be there to share my dreams and thoughts with me? My dream of having a nice family is all shattered. It will never be and I guess there are things in life which will never ever meant to be. But then, if your greatest wish in your life is taken away from you, what's there to work hard for?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Disgusting food...
The portion suddenly remind me of my days in the TAF Club (A club for Obesed...). Upsetting to the max! It is really sad to see that the portion is so small other than a normally huge amount of mee sua. The vegetables? It is sad to find such misers who give me 3 tiny little strands of green boiled vegetables! As for the fish, there is only a few slices of it in the soup. Upon seeing it, I am really feeling that the person treat me like an Idiot who fail mathematics.
As described, there are a few awards awarded to this stall, I guess the expectation of the food should be rather high. I am expected to change my view of the stall when I eat their food but then, it only increased my determination to tell people more about them. The soup taste like plain water with lots of pepper, the fist taste like protein with some fats dangling all over the place. The mee sua is overcooked, it taste like flour. The only thing that taste like what it is supposed to be is the chilli sauce. Disappointment to the max!
Look at the amount of vegetables they serve!
I settle them in less them 2 bites...
After being a victim for Branded Food cheaters, I am very determined to ensure that people do not suffer my fate anymore! The stall is at Bukit Timah Food Centre, the one near the Shell Petrol Station and Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School. The stall is a Fish Porridge stall just up the stairs, next to a Drink Stall. Once again, DO NOT patron them! It is not worth a single cent!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Operation Spring Cleanng!
Finally, after a long battle, my new desk look like this!
The fruit of my Labour!
Friday, September 14, 2007
An Exciting Week!
What a week! The week is about to end but I must say that this had been one of the most exciting week I had all year long. Well, partly, having my birthday falling in this week does spice up a little but then a series of events happening had truly created much excitement in it.
Monday was a simple and normal working day. Stayed in Pasir Laba Camp for work and as usual, the work never seemed to end. Despite being busy at work, I guess some positives can be drawn from it. If there is no work, I would have been jobless! After the work, me and Glenda met up at Clementi for an Early Birthday Celebrations...
The celebration began with a meal at Botak Jones in Clementi. The serving is huge! As usual, we could not finish everything. I guess age has really caught up with us and we no longer have that huge appetite like before. The food was nice but then the serving and high calories does have a sinful side in the story. With our bloated stomach, we went on to have a stroll, before we board the bus to Orchard.
A long way down the road. Although everything just seemed so tiring, it was a happy ride. Soon, we landed ourselves n Orchard and began to start walking around. I am looking for Sun Shades and decided to try out all sorts of brands in various stalls. Tried a few brands but then I still like the Oakley Radar in which I am aiming for.
After that, we decided to proceed to N.Y.D.C for a simple "cake" cutting ceromony. As described, the whole thing was a simple one. As we are still suffering from the bloatness of the Post-Botak Jones meal, we chose not to order too big a portion. Therefore, a small little Mud Pie will do; I seriously do not wish to add anymore calories for the day. Glenda is pretty thoughtful. She broke up her presents into three gifts. From the design of the wrapper, I guess she might had placed a lot of effort in it as everything is customized.
In the end, I got myself a few cool presents in them- A cap, a toy and a little "Panda" bank. Well, the funny thing here is that everything is black and white. Well, pandas are... They look really nice. By the way, thanks Glenda for the celebrations. Do not need to worry about it being simple and not elaborated. I really appreciate all that!
Wednesday, my Birthday. Ha! Well, no major surprises though and everything is simple and worse of all, my day is so hectic as I reported to office for work and then ended up in PLC as there is a presentation on that day. Well, it is rather pissing though, needing to work so hard on your birthday. Sigh... However, things did not turn out so bad. The presentation was rather smooth and everything seemed acceptable for the Customers. Well, I guess the birthday luck does help in a way or two...
Had a real cool meal at Sakae Sushi with my best colleague in office. Well, Oon is the best you can ever get. Cute, jokeable, funny and most important of all, helpful. Well, he is a real solid eater I must say. This guy live to eat fully man! Well, I am still very convinced that 17 plus plates of sushi and other things like tempura is still not fulling for him. Well, for the first time, I saw the prowess of Oon. He is a man made for eating! Well, his size said it all!
In addition to that, he is the only person I had ever seen who handle a Sakae Sushi feedback form with such close attention. He gave every rating truefully and gave a lousy rating for the music. Well, the music is pretty bad as the volume is simply unhearable! In the end, I have to say this colleague of mine is really cool and helpful as he never fails to put in all his effort in whatever he do. Although sometimes many would complain about his work, I would say that his effort he put in for whatever he does is second to none!
That day, I splurged for myself with quite a few stuff. Ha! A cool 2-litre water bottle from Guardian. I just love it man! It is so huge, it can simply feel the consumption I would need for the whole day. And the best part of it, I would always remember to keep myself hydrated at all times! Finally my quest for a gigantic water bottle comes to a beautiful end!
In addition to that, I also bought for Glenda a bottle of Nail Polisher. You know, from those Tai Tai stalls where people put a lot of thinner on their fingers. Well, I am still feeling the awkwardness of being in a place totally dominant by females. A male intruder to their privacy somehow made them give me a wierd attitude. Well, those are not for me! The hostility and wierdness they bring me is rather scary at times.
Thursday was a rather exciting day. I sold all my computer parts to someone else at a near price. However, need to be careful as some of the parts may be spoilt when I sold it to him. Well, a nice guy in general. I hope he would not feel upset if any of them is not working. I am willing to pay him back...
Went gym with Samuel and Benjamin. Well, this two cool guys just doesn't seemed to stop for a moment. Well, I guess it is always good to have someone as crazy for fitness like Samuel as your neighbour. It takes alot of determination to maintain a tough workout and with him pushing me, it does makes it alot easier. After a simple meal at the Food Centre, I went on to further pamper myself with a Bluetooth Earpiece.
Sigh, I am suppose to enter and buy the cheapest earpiece i can find there (Which cost 48 dollars) and ended up buying something 3 times the price! Well, I guess this one is so much better. I have to convince myself that the additional functions and the inclusion of a charger makes it a worthwhile deal. Moreover, it is a bluetooth earpiece that allows me to listen to music through it! Let's not think too much about it!
To conclude Thursday in the most exciting manner possible, I recieved my results at night! After such a long wait due to inefficient working people and Organizations, I finally recieved my results after so long! Gladly, I managed to squeeze myself through with some good grades!
3As and a stupid C means I managed to scrape through for 1st Class Honours after a gruelling Second Year of studying. Now, the whole focus is going to be on my final year where six modules and a Final Year project is definitely going to make me into a Zombie soon. No matter what, I am glad to hear that my classmates all went through. At least I would still have them around to endure all this together. This degree is finally about to finish soon after this final hurdle and there is no room for anymore hiccups. All I pray for this year would just be to have good results and for everything to go through smoothly through this final year of degree.
More to come though... May everything go on well!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Dragon Boat Session...
A tiring Dragon Boat session today. The whole training begins with a simple 1.6km run and then followed by Sea Exercise. The Dragon Boat session was simple today which consist of just rowing alone. Well, for the first time, we did some session where the begginners (we) did some stationary row in the sea. Surprisingly, it seemed like it is more difficult than first thought.
Finally, there is a first taste of how competitive rowing is like. Today, there was a simple 300m race with some other boats today. The whole competition is really tough as there is no point of relaxing. Rowing 300m at full force is no joke. Well, the good thing is that we did well by winning the mini race despite consisting of many beginners like me in the boat. What was really commendable is that most of the rowers are at middle age while the other boats are made up of people in their teens or early twenties. It all points down to one thing:- Team Work and Technique.
Well, although it is a nice event today, a small incident marred the happy day. While doing pull ups, being weak in my fitness, I was not able to do much. Just at this point of time, someone made a statement, "Been through Army, still cannot do pull ups?"
Well, of course what he said does affect my mood but then it no longer bothers me anymore. I'd just find it insulting to realize that there are people around who relates Pull Ups with Military life. To be frank, I do feel sorry for him as his knowledge in life consist of just pull ups and fitness training. To relate it with anything in life just simply shows that he has no achievements in life in which he can boast about. Well, I guess there is always such people around and I can only feel sorry for them...
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Simple Week...
All this while, there is only one thing in my mind and it just simply bugged me all day long. I am stuck, I do not know what to do for my final year project. The project plays a big part in my degree and whether I would be awarded good grades is determined by the success of my project implementation and topic.
Well, I guess many people around me face the same problem where we do not know where to begin with. Sad to say, I had moved forward many times only to find myself back to where I begun as the initial ideas burst as there is similiar implementations done in the world. Now, there is one idea in mind but then I suppose it is highly tough to begin with mainly due to the in depth research required for the topics involved.
Hopefully, my idea would be acceptable soon and my supervisor would be able to guide me through the project and provide me with a proper direction ahead...
Learning to do things on my own and working hard to be independent from anyone else...
Friday, September 07, 2007
A thought in mind...
Sometimes, I really do what makes two person together. Does being romantic comes in as an important requirement in which a relationship can be maintained? If that is the case, I guess I would always be a great failure in a relationship. Well, I am a self-confessed non-interesting guy. Well, I do not go out and do romantic things like candle-lit dinner, climbing mountains and hills at night, give a romantic surprise every now and then.
To me, what really matter most in a relationship would be how to make the life of your partner more meaningful and how can you help her burden her problems. I always make it a point to ensure that I put her problems ahead, so much so that I'd forsake mine. Well, I guess my thoughts are wrong. It takes more than just providing everything she needs in life and helping her fulfil her dreams.
I guess, it takes a lot more than what I am doing to go anywhere forward; A lot more than I can afford to do so. Well, I guess looking forward without thinking about all this would be a better choice for me and for everyone else around me. Perhaps the lesson learnt here: Never show all your cards. You will never win if you do so...
Making a decision takes time but I guess if it takes too long to consider, perhaps it just meant that there is too many things pulling you back. If there is no way of releasing such held-backs, then might as well follow them all the way. The choice of moving forward may perhaps be too painful for everyone else...
A Tired Weekend and Time for Work...
It is a tiring weekend both physically and mentally and of course, some sinful events along the way which would result in a stringent diet regime for myself. Saturday was a long day for me. A long gruelling two hour session in the Gym with Wee Kiat resulted in a hard training on my chest. However, having a Dim Sum Buffet in Tong Lok does not contribute in anyway for my weight loss plans.
After the lunch, went over to Aunt Jo's place and it's really been a long time since I last saw Uncle Roger. As usual, he is still as hearty and cheerful as before. Sometimes, I really admire his determination and attitude towards life after all that has happened to me. Helped him fixed his computer and it is always nice to see him look so happy. Finally, we went to Comex around looking for good deals here and there. The day concluded with a meal and chat with Mei Yuan and Aunt Jo at the McCafe in East Coast Park.
The next day, it is my usual Dragon Boating session. I was surprised to see so many people arrived for training and for the first time, I see the boat filled up. The rowing session was as usual gruelling. This week, there is no weights training, no running, just pure rowing. However, that does not mean that it is a simple routine. The rowing session lasted for about 3 hours. And during this period of time, we performed a series of exercises like 300m sprints in 4 and with the whole group. It is fun and great to see everyone rowing so hard and see the boat moving at such great speed...
For now, back in work again. It is back to work and sadly, no good food for me for the rest of the week. A promise in which I must keep for myself after those sinful buffets...
Monday, September 03, 2007
New Song uploaded...
Hi all!
This song is dedicated to Glenda and it just seemed never ending when she kept on asking me to sing this again and again. Well, it is a pretty cool song by Howie Day, called Collide. This song is mainly talking about how a couple being together and although everything seemed so contrasting and contradicting, they still crashed on together.
Well, there are many times in life where everything about two person just seemed so incompatible and incompatible it may be, they'd stick on together and never seperate. Well, I guess this is called fate. When two person are meant to be together, they would be together no matter what happens...
Once again, the songs posted here are all performed by me and yes, hope all of you out there would be able to give me comments as in how I can improve and all that...
To Glenda: Enjoy this Song.
Download the song here: Collide
Thursday, August 30, 2007
A quiet day all by Myself...
A quiet day and finally, I had completed some of the functions for my Uncle's company inventory System. Sad to say, my stubborness in ensuring a proper design had drastically increased the development time but I would say that such increase would be useful in the long run. At least, I would be able to handle the codes more efficiently the next time round.
Too much things in hand now, need to study at night, work in the day, do my song recordings and also, some developments for my uncle. Fruitful I must say but can be pretty stressful when they all come together at one time. To further worsen the situation, driving lessons and project is coming down the line.
My project supervisor is out! But then he had not replied my email the whole day...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Dragon Boating Ouch!
Although the pain is not as great compared to last week, the aftermath seemed to be more destructive. Now, I can feel the ache of my entire body from my tighs all the way to my back and shoulders. I guess the gruelling work out during training yesterday is taking its toll on my body.
The training was pretty tough where the entire training begins with a 1.6km Run around Kallang Area. The morning run is rather refreshing but the need to keep pace with the Trainer is pretty tough. Being a commando in the past, I guess he is used to sprinting down long distances- a luxury in which I did not get to enjoy during my Army Days.
After the run, there was a short weight lifting session where we carried some weights. Although the weight is not exactly heavy, the need to do 30 reps of Bicep Curls, Upright Row, Clean and Jerk and Wrist Curls is no easy feat. By then, I could not have been able to feel my arm. Just before we are about to enter the water, we would still need to do 2 sets of 8 Pull Ups.
With my already battered body, we moved on into the Sea and begin rowing. The only though in my mind then, "When would my arm drop off into the Sea?". In the end, it is only perserverance and determination that pushed me through all this.
To conclude all this, the movement is simply not as easy as many would thought it would be and seriously, I am very amazed by the strength and determination the seniors have. Throughout the entire rowing session, they did not stop for a single row at all and to make a matter worse, I am so much younger than them!
I guess, it would be a long way to reach the level where they are.However, I am very sure that this level does exist somewhere...
Monday, August 27, 2007
An Early Day in the Gym
Forced myself to wake up early in the morning just to go to gym this morning. Well, the good thing is that I am not alone as Steve and Wee Kiat were there to train with me though. The workout was pretty simple with a bit of slow jogging on the threadmill before hitting the weights on my chest and abs today. Sometimes, I really wonder if I am training correctly as there is no significant improvement after such a long time though.
Preparing to go for Movies later. I do not know if it is for the movie or for Jay Chou but heard that Secret is not a bad film out in the cinemas these days.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Verdict for Self Tanning Lotion
It is totally tested and the verdict is out. The use of the Self Tanning Lotion actually works! Applying the lotion frequently does give you a good tan even though I spent most of my time indoors. In addition, the tan does last for quite some time. The inital though is that the reason for seeing a visible tan is mainly because of the tint in the lotion but it is not the case. The tan is still visible after a few days although it does fade a little along the way.
However, there is a price to pay as the product does have its short-comings. Firstly, the tint in the lotion makes application pretty messy at times. It is very easy to stain clothings and the stains can be quite hard to remove. In addition to that, the tint would affect your plams, making it look dirty. The stain is pretty difficult to remove.
Summary, the product works if you do not mind feeling dirty for a substantial period of time...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Quiet Day with a Thought in Mind...
A typically quiet and peaceful day where there is nothing much happening around the area. Everything is serene and will be required to go down to school later for lessons. Sometimes, I do wonder why I would need to force myself through all this shit where I can relax and take things from a slower perception. Perhaps, it would make my day more comfortable. Well, perhaps it is my impatient nature which rushes me on. I simply do not like a moment of waste in time.
Alot of my friends were shocked when I said that the recording of the song posted previously was performed by me. Well, I guess I did not make it clear enough but yes, it is recorded and performed by myself. So, if you guys are interested how it sound like, feel free to download it and let me know if there is any way I can further improve myself...
Wondering what should my next song be. Anyone out there have any suggestions, do feel free to drop me a mail...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The good thing about MacDonald's
I guess many people faced the same problem as me in Singapore and one point of time, you would hate MacDonald's till a point where the sight of it simply turns you off. Imagine this scenario. You are about to step out for lunch after a tiring first half of lunch with your colleagues and typically, the first question which I would ask , "Where shall we go today?"
Well, in most typical cases, another would reply, "Anything, you decide!". This is a typical thought that most would have mainly due to the fact of being lazy to think so much about where to eat. And I would in most cases (pretending to be excited about it), "Let's go MacDonald's!"
When they hear this statement, they would look at me with their eyes wide open and they would start giving real solid suggestions like, "How bout this XXX, I heard their Noodles are fantastic!"
In most scenarios, there would be really cool suggestions which would help brighten up your lunch. Well, MacDonald's in this case is truly a solid Brain Juice catalyst when it comes to lunch break outings. If the people are plain lazy of thinking of a place, no harm bring MacDonald's into the picture. It usually have a positive result out of it.
Well, although I still miss my childhood days where I would die to go to MacDonald's for the Happy Meal, I guess too much of it would simply put you off at times...
Monday, August 20, 2007
Well, trying very hard to sleep but I guess it is pretty tough given the fact that I had been sleeping for the whole night. Dropping by to see how things goes for this blog...
Monday, August 20, 2007
It's been a long time and alot of planning and talking before this day came. My first completed dragon boat session is finally done and now, my whole body is aching like mad. Well, it was a very fruitful training and also, I get to row without the fear of cutting my thumb again. I guess, it should be safe. The technique is quite fun but then, I guess the intensity would only get higher as time goes by, especially when training with Sea Hawk where the people there are more seasoned rowers compared to those today.
Also, recieved alot of comments from my friends regarding that recording made. I would like to thank them for listening to it and giving me such positive comments where I would be able to improve and work harder on. If there is any Songs you would wish to hear from me, feel free to drop a dedication. I would try my best to prepare it...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My First Song Posting
This is the first time I am using my Audio Interface for such recording. Hmmz, there is alot of improvements to be made but just post this song so that I could gather some information and such as to how can I improve myself further.
Well, this is a song called Na Jiu Zhe Yang Ba by Dong Li Huo Che. Click on the link to download or listen to the song...
Download here...
If there is any songs that you wish to listen to, feel free to mail me or drop a comment
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Does this look harmless to you?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
It is a pretty depressing day for my family due to some upsetting incidents in which happened. Well, as it is often said that, "The disgrace should not be known to the public", I shall not spend too much effort in elaborating the issue. But I guess it would not be harmful to say that no matter what happens in life, it is always good to stay within your limits and work within the given constraints. In life, there are mistakes in which can never be made. When they do happen, it would often mean the end...
Well, not saying that my Family is fallen apart though. We are in one solid piece still as usual...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Finally, after some time of figuring, experimenting and exploring, I would say that this site is finally operational with all the functionalities that I would want for my works and such. As mentioned earlier, this site is set up mainly for me to share music and works with other enthusiasts who share the same interest as me.
It had always been an interest of mine to share with people regarding music and singing. Hopefully, with the establishment of pandarism.blogspot, this would not be too difficult to fulfil.
Once again, I would hope that the readers would not wait too long for updates this time.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Whenever I pass by Excelsior, I just could not help it but take a glance at the Guitars on display in Living Strings. Not only does the guitars look like beauties at work, the layout of the whole place simply enhances the beauty in it and definitely make the guitars look so classy. The whole interior set-up in Living Strings is very different from most Guitar Shops as the guitar are being placed on Shelves rather than on a rack, making them look like Art Pieces on display. The set-up in the room is very well done and it definitely bring out the Acoustics in these High-End guitars.
One particular brand in which captured my attention would be Lakewood, a High End German guitar. The finish of the guitar is beautiful. Not only does it maintains the wood's look and feel, the robustness and durability of the Guitar is not compromised. I do not thing there are many Guitars in this world who can compete with Lakewood in terms of its Natural Finishing on the Guitar.
When I picked up one of them and start playing with it, I am definitely blown off by the power of the guitar. Every pluck and every strum is so highly responsive that I felt as though I am a seasoned professional player. Even the simplest tune on earth would sound like music from Heaven when played through this guitar. Although the price tags along with them are hefty, I would definitely wish to own one in the near future.
Tim is such a friendly guy who did not put off with the fact that I am not able to buy one. He explained to me in such great detail about the history of the Guitars and how each guitar shape would suit different style of guitar-playing. It is truely an Eye-Opener. In addition to that, he has such a wonderful plan in which allows us to take orders for Customizing through him and I guess it would be alot cheaper that way. One interesting customization would be that it allows us to place our Signature on the guitar fret. It is simply awesome!
For now, I can only dream about them. Ha! Definitely but surely, I would want to own one and the acquisition of a High End Lakewood would be in my agenda within the year or two. This is to be included in my Annual Budget. It is to be all about dreaming for now...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007