I have no idea what I am up to. Somehow or rather, I felt that I am really in a big mess which I dun understand why I am in. All I asked for in life was simplicity and peace. All of a sudden, it became so crazy. Continuous late nights, continuous drinking with my frens, just seemed to be something in which I had never been doing before.
Well, being open minded is the key but somehow or rather, it looked like I am pushing myself from one extreme end to the other. All of a sudden, it just seemed like I had lost my focus all over again. All of a sudden, I just felt that everything is going to be going really crazy again. What do I want in life? I seriously wondered...
My bio-clock is in a mess; physical condition is all screwed; even my thinking of life is getting confused. I guess this is all so common especially when you had lost some things in your life which meant so important to you. When something which you thought was right for years turned out to be the greatest wrong, there is no way you can differentiate what is going to be right or wrong...
A confusius State of Mind...
Monday, December 17, 2007
Simply Me... Or Am I Me?
Well, everything ain't as constructive as it should be for the past 2 weeks. I mean, I am suppose to work hard on my project and work hard at job. However, I had not been doing what I am supposed to do and there is to be a project meeting with Maggie Coope this coming Saturday and I am not actually fully ready for it!
Sigh, yesterday was a really long night. It's been quite some time where I had stayed up through the night talking with someone for so long. To be frank, I enjoyed talking with her since there is so much laughter and smiling through the whole night. However, I do feel that I am really too boring a person in which anyone would actually be interested to talk in the first place.
I mean, how interesting can the live of a Software Engineer be? How fun can it be to know what a Software Engineer would do? I guess, I am sure that other jobs like being a Banker, Pilot, etc. sounds alot more fun and intriguing to begin with. I do believe in one thing though, being yourself. At least, when you are yourself, there is nothing to hide and there would not be so much pressure on myself.
Even though those thoughts did come into my mind, I have to say that the meal at Sakae, movies at PS and the walk and chatting around town does feel pretty comfortable for me... Now, as usual, I promise myself to gym doubly hard tomorrow or else, I am sure the training I had put through all the while would all go to waste. The first step, start training hard again... =)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Relaxation Mood in a Hectic Schedule
There is only one word which can sum up this week: FOOD! Well, it is really scary, looking at the number of Buffets I had been downing for the week. Now, the guilt set in and I'd really feel like going to fast for the whole month from now! Sigh, to make the matter worse, no dragon boat training this week due to the daunting weather.
Yesterday was quite a cool day. Hit the gym early in the morning before meeting my Grandmother and Family for lunch at Tong Lok. It was my Grandmother's birthday! Once again, it was one of those sinful buffet sessions and I literally ate till there is no place left in my stomach. In the end, I even vomitted when I reach home due to the great discomfort.
After that, meet up with Mike and Janice in town, doing some shopping. Well, I really feel like an OSRAM Lightbulb, tagging with the two lovey doveys around the places. After a simple and light dinner at Food Republic, Janice bought us to this nice pub owned by her friend to chill out. I really like the ambience and nothing beats a cold beer and seeing Arsenal lose to Middlesbrough 2=0!
The weekend summed up fruitful and it's been sometime since I last find time to relax a bit due to the work and studies which is piling up like mad. Well, life goes on and work will not wait for me. Now, let's charge!
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Pain in the A**- CIS 320
After a long long time, I finally got a minute of my time to write an entry in this blog. I mean, there was one long period in which I had nothing to talk about since my life is only about work, studies and more work and studies.
This week is generally a fun one, especially during the past two days. Finally, after such a long time, we finally get to meet up together! Well, Janice and co are basically busy with their school work and I suppose who aint? Finally, we got together at Orchard, had fun eating Sakae Buffet and KBoxing all the way till midnight. It's been a really long time since I last saw Zu Liang and Xian Hui! Thanks giam for lending me the piano book manz. I guess it would take me quite sometime to understand them and practise it.
The only sad thing about the day would be the Durian "Chee Cheong Fun" in Kilinney Road. All I can say is that things rot as time goes by even though they taste wonderful at the beggining. I guess when fame is built up along the process, the Quality control of the food goes the opposite direction. How ironic! I actually went to tell them how nice it is and it turned out to taste really bad.
After some long fun happening these days, all my focus is now on my project work. Intending to give myself an hour nap before this long battle with my coursework would commence again.
I am very behind schedule. Well, I guess I had only myself to blame for taking so long to forget about all those stupid things and writing this entry makes me think about them again. =). All these memories are just like smoking. When you are a heavy smoker and decided on quitting smoking, it usually takes alot of determination. During the course of doing so, there would always be withdrawals and such. The withdrawal will get less frequent and soon it would be over.
The same applies to relationships I guess. At the beggining, the problem would just always be in your mind and when you decide to forget about it, it just frequents your brain like a kid visiting a candy shop. As time goes, these memory visits would become lesser and lesser. Soon, they would be over. It is better these days and I guess this mess can only get better... =)
No time to think now... Sleep, Wake Up, Charge!